نشرة جمعية أسر التوحد التفاعلية الربع الثالث 2024
نشرة جمعية أسر التوحد التفاعلية الربع الثاني 2024
الإصدار رقم 19 - يناير 2023
الإصدار رقم 18 - ديسمبر 2022
الإصدار رقم 17 - نوفمبر 2022
الإصدار رقم 16 - أكتوبر 2022
الإصدار رقم 15 - سبتمبر 2022
الإصدار رقم 10 - سبتمبر 2021
الإصدار رقم 5 - فبراير 2021
الإصدار رقم 7 - مايو 2021
الإصدار رقم 6 - مارس 2021
الإصدار رقم 12 - أكتوبر 2021
الإصدار رقم 2 - نوفمبر 2020
Single-cell transcriptome identifies molecular subtype of autism spectrum disorder impacted by de novo loss-offunction variants regulating glial cells
The Influence of Daily Living Skill Profiles in Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder on Early Intervention Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Educational Placement
Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among Saudi children between 2 and 4 years old in Riyadh
يجب السماح للجميع بعمل ما يريدون، آراء البالغين المصابين بالتوحد وتجاربهم في التحفيز الذاتي.
Challenges of Employing Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder from The Perspective of Families and Employers
The effectiveness of a training program based on infographic technology in developing self- protection skills for a sample of autism spectrum disorder
Successful transition factors to work for individuals with autism spectrum disorder from their teacher's perspective in the Makkah Region
Effect of Digital Social Stories on the Acquisition of the Skill of Recognizing the Concept of Certain Emotions among Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The effectiveness of a program based on sensory integration to reduce some symptoms of Tactile sensory disorder in children with autism spectrum disorder
Interpretation of Behavioral Aspects among Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in the Light of some Psychological Theories
Psychometric characteristics of the Autism Spectrum Disorder Scale among Children
Teachers’ Perceptions of Existing Early Interventions and Related Services for Children with Autism in Saudi Arabia
Sleeping Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and How they Affect the Levels of Stress for their Parents
The Effect of Using an iPad App Based on Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) with Autistic Children
in Jeddah
The Effectiveness of the Effect of a Training Program Based on Some Simple Play Activities in Developing Visual-Motor
Coordination Skills between students with autism spectrum disorder
Availability of Training on Evidence-Based Practices in Professional Development Programs for Teachers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Effectiveness of a Remote Program Based on the Techniques of Applied Behavior Analysis to Provide Illiterate
Mothers by Methods of Dealing with the Behaviors of their Children with Autism
Case Report: ASI intervention on a child with autism in Saudi Arabi